The best selling book in the world!

The list of best selling books of the Bible story put in the first place with nearly 6 billion copies sold. Being also the book that was translated over the world, with version for various languages and dialects. The magazine Christian Retailing Magazine made a list of 11 best-selling books showing the amount of copies that each one of them managed to sell around the world.
1st place - The Holy Bible with a total 4 billion to 6 billion copies sold.
2nd Place - Harry Potter, all seven Harry Potter books have sold over one billion copies. The story written by JK Rowling shows the adventures of young wizard, Harry Potter, which has the help of two friends to overcome evil in a realm unknown to ordinary people. This work has been translated into over 64 languages.
3rd place - Red Book - Mao Tse-Tung.
The first edition was released in 1964, with 33 chapters the book contains socialist ideas that promoted the Chinese leader
Mao Tse-Tung. We shipped over one billion copies, and sales were by a law which required all members of the Communist Parthian to buy it.
No. 4 - The Koran
The holy book of Islam has sold 800 million copies with the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad and made of sacred history for Muslims. Some books contain parts of the Bible and talk about characters important for Jews and Christians as Adam, Moses and Abraham.
5th place - Peter Rabbit
A series of fairy tales have reached the milestone of 151 million copies sold. It is a tale about a rabbit called Petter who speaks, wears clothes, lives in a house and so on. His adventures everyday situations reported from the small rabbit that aims to eat as many carrots and save his friends from a badger.
6th place - The Lord of the Rings
The entire series has sold 110 million copies. The story is set in medieval times and tells the traversal made by and other Hobbits Frodo must destroy the ring of Sauron. To do this they go through wars, conflicts and struggles.
The series had its first book published in 1949 and has since sold over 110 million and his books have been turned into three movies that have much success. The work speaks of a universe MATCHED the real world, a fantasy world where there are mystical creatures, talking animals and magic.
8th place - American Spelling Book
book written by Noah Webster in 1793, one of the essential works for English language lessons in schools. The work is also useful for spelling contests that are celebrated in the United States. 100 million copies were sold.
No. 9 - The Book of Records
The Guinness Book world record-brings more relevant both humans and nature. Edited since 1955 the book is updated every year and has sold over 100 million as well. 10th place - World Almanac The World Almanac and Book of Facts is an American book that collects information about various things, from sports to tragedies, world changes, trivia and more. This book sold 84 million books.
11th place - The Da Vinci Code
Authored by Dan Brown's book tells the story of a mysterious organization linked to the Holy Grail and the role of Mary Magdalene in Christianity. 80 million copies were sold.
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